
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New venture

I started another blog a little over a year ago, entitled "Adventures and Asides." While I still have that blog, I began to see that I had drifted off from one of the main purposes of the blog, and it seemed more like a place to share my creativity than my thoughts and adventures. So I decided I would create a new blog to highlight my creations.

"flour mill creations" is the name I have given my soon-to-be created company that markets my handmade paintings, photos, cards, signs, books, etc. Do you know what you'd name your company? Do you ever think about such things? During a card making session with some friends, I noticed one was signing the back of hers with just such a name and logo. I asked her about it and realized that others, too, have been planning such things since childhood.

As I recently got married, I rethought what my name and logo would be. Still working on the logo, but the name is a play off of my two last names. I'm quite excited about the possibilities of this venture and look forward to sharing them with you along the way.

So what are we waiting for? Let's go!

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